
alternative approach to language

i have run across a new way to approach language construction and the coaching of this process based on personal tendencies, rather than overarching conventions. the presentation served up here seems, at first glance, as a sham. it very well may be. however, there are some very interesting and little-explored ideas about language learning presented that may prove germane to other methods and non-commercial activities. check out exact word and tell us what you think.


beth said...

of course i'll bite at any linguistic challenge:-) have printed the info. from the link and am working through the ideas presented. i see tremendous use for application in education, leadership/managerial positions, and certainly interpersonal communication. and it is always fascinating to re-consider the nature of language formation, thought processes and where/how we conceptualize our internal and external environments.

LaurenB said...

Interesting...however I'm still not sure about it. I'm wondering if this would be a good thing to bring to class for us all to explore and discuss. Good find.